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Orange County 1842: "Four Women on Divergent Paths" Part two

Writer's picture: Zann NelsonZann Nelson

May 6, 2016 Orange County Review

Note: the attached file is an excerpt from the 1850 Census record for Fairfield County, Ohio. Note the last name listed under the George Kenney family. Tabby Ella was born in Virginia in 1840 indicating that in 1850 she would be ten years old. Interestingly, her surname is listed here as Shepherd a well founded name in Orange County, Virginia.

Last week we began the story of four women in 1842 Orange County. Lucy Quarles, Matilda Tibbs, Margaret (last name unknown) and Susan Madison each made life-altering decisions.

Margaret was one of those who was not offered freedom. Perhaps she was in poor health and incapable of travel? The answer may yet be revealed or we may never learn the truth.

Matilda Tibbs and all of her children, plus one grandchild, were freed by the will and she was given ample funds for the 400-mile journey to resettle in Ohio.

Although a man by the name of Frank Tibbs was believed to be the father of the children, there was no Frank Tibbs in Lucy Quarles’ inventory of slaves and no one by that name was listed in the 1850 Census record for Fairfield County, Ohio where they had relocated. Was Frank Tibbs enslaved on another plantation and not free to relocate with the family? Yet another mystery!

Though Margaret was not manumitted, she had the option to speak for her daughter. Margaret chose freedom for 2-year-old Tabby Ella and sent her to Ohio, presumably with little chance of ever being reunited.

I was able to find Tabby Ella in an 1850 Ohio Census living with a family by the name of Kenney who were also listed in the will of Lucy Quarles. Tabby Ella was listed with the surname of "Shepherd." Hmmm? Could we find Margaret with the Shepherd surname as well? Thus far, I have been able to trace Tabby Ella through 1870, before I lost the trail and no, I have not yet given up!

Susan Madison was offered freedom and declined…for herself and her children. She chose instead Peter T. Johnson, an Orange County resident and Lucy’s nephew, as their new owner.

At first blush it is perplexing to understand why anyone would decline the opportunity to be free. However, upon reflection there is some plausible rational.

If one were elderly or in poor physical health, they might not have been up to the long journey or perhaps, they had family who were owned by another and thus not sharing in that same status of freedom.

Remember: at that time the law in Virginia, with only a handful of exceptions, required that once emancipated the former slave was mandated to leave the state. For whatever reason one chose not to relocate, then they would remain enslaved.

Was Susan Madison elderly, infirm or was Walker Madison her "husband" and the father of her children owned by another? We do know that two other children, daughters Clara and Martha were not freed but rather bequeathed to relatives. Could Susan have made her decision based on a desire to keep the family together?

The documented actions by all four of these women generate much fodder for contemplation and shed new light on issues we may have not previously considered.

Certainly, their actions have prompted me to ask, "If I were Lucy, Matilda, Susan or Margaret, what would I have done?"

Without question, stories such as these provide food for thought and insightful discussion as we plough these fertile fields of African American heritage.

In the last week, new information about Frank Tibbs has surfaced. All will be shared in due time.

Until next week, be well.

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