Apr 28, 2016 Orange County Review

A page of Lucy Quarles’ will. Quarles died in October of 1841. The will, probated in 1842, offered freedom to sixty six (66) of her slaves and enough funds to allow them to relocate to another state which at the time was a requirement by Virginia law.
First was Lucy Quarles, born to freedom as a white woman in Louisa County and by 1836 had become a widow of William Quarles and owner of Bloomsbury Plantation on the eastern edge of the Town of Orange. At her death, in 1841, she was the owner of an estimated 75 people of color. Lucy Quarles may not rate the characterization of "protagonist" in our story, yet without her decisions, the fortunes of the other three women would have been very different.
The second woman in this story was Matilda Tibbs, a woman of color approximately 40 years old and the mother of seven or eight children all owned by Lucy Quarles.
The third was Margaret; a woman of color, of undetermined age and no known surname that had given birth in 1840 to a daughter named Tabbyella; both were owned by Lucy Quarles.
The fourth woman was Sukey or Susan Madison, also a woman of color believed to be about 40-45. Susan Madison and her three children Henry, Walker and Tinsley were also owned by Lucy Quarles.
Mrs. Quarles died in October of 1841. The will, probated in 1842, offered freedom to 66 of her slaves and enough funds to allow them to relocate to another state which at the time was a requirement by Virginia law.
Lucy Quarles wrote in her will in Item #21, "Feeling a deep interest in the welfare of my servants and a desire to place them in a situation to be comfortable after my death; I hereby emancipate all the slaves I now own …" there were some exceptions.
We have not determined why Lucy Quarles failed to free all of her slaves, bequeathing a few to her selected relatives.
Two other interesting statements in the Quarles’ will read as follows:
"If any should reject or decline the offer of freedom, they have the liberty to choose a master or mistress from any of my relations..."
Though still a little unclear, the will implied that if not otherwise stated a mother, even one who was not emancipated, may choose or decline the offer of freedom for her children. If a child was considered to be an orphan then executors of the estate were to make the decision on their behalf
"…having always in view their (the child’s) future welfare as well as their present comfort."
These codifications and resulting choices would have a life altering impact on Margaret, Tabby Ella and Susan Madison and her children.
For certain, Orange County was a tightly knit community in 1840. Lucy Quarles’ decision to manumit the vast majority of her slaves must have created quite a stir among slaveholders and the enslaved.
The discovery of her action raises a plethora of questions:
What prompted Lucy Quarles to take this course? Was anyone else doing this? Why would anyone decline or reject the opportunity to be free?
To be continued...
Until next week, be well.