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Teaching history
Sharing resources in the quest for heritage
The Duvalls of Orange County … the story grows
The hunt for cemeteries
The legend of Possum Hollow
Cemeteries and the story of the Rev. Willis Duvall
John Henry Walker, an unsung hero
A letter to Allie
The story of Girl Scouts
Black Scouting in America and Orange
Black horsemen in racing
Ruth Lewis Smith, Eclipse Award recipient
“40 acres and a mule?” (Not quite)
Introduction of a new series begins…
The saga of Pete Hill (epilogue)
Pilgrimage to Cooperstown
Pete Hill’s family roots run long and deep in Virginia soil, part 2
Pete Hill’s family roots run long and deep in Virginia soil
The hunt for Pete Hill, Rapidan, Va. native
Pete Hill, baseball hall of famer (an introduction)
African-American families of Locust Grove
Tracking down the Louisiana 16
Indentured or enslaved?
Truth demands debate
The 400th anniversary and more...
Leaving Louisiana
Home, but not finished
Louisiana 16 progress report
Natchez, Mississippi
Pray for the Skunks!
The 1100-mile route: more than mere mileage
First Leg of the Journey South
The Louisiana 16: The Route South
What the Louisiana 16 research is not
More questions about Madison’s sold slaves
The Louisiana 16's first cosmic hurdle
The quest to find the Louisiana 16
Hidden treasures (cont.)
Hidden treasures
Truth and reconciliation
There were more
Orange County natives sent to Liberia
The quiet revolution, part two
All is not lost
Old Carver High
Who was James Ellis?
Horsemen you may know...
History of the Black horsemen
The Freedman's Bank
Recognizing two outstanding local patriots
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